Once, I came across this sentence, "If you see something that moves you, and then snap it, you keep a moment".

Pretty much inspired me into what I'm doing here though. To snap some moments that I'd spare time remembering in future. Imagine a world without photography! One can only imagine. and every single moments we used to had, fade away. No more evidence to show, no more things to keep on remembering. A photograph is a memory in raw, they say.

So here I am, a newbie camera user, who never hesitate to be inspired by every paused moments of life.

Love Life =)

Friday 12 March 2010

still waiting, missing, Loving


Staying by the shore.
Waiting for a long lost love.

Spending a whole afternoon,
missing a long lost love.

Living all my life alone,
missing someone who sailed out and never come back.

At the very end, I was asked,
"do you still think all your time, waits, misses worth whatever it is supposed to?"

I smiled and close my eyes.
I'm glad I smiled.

Because they never get to know,
How did you hold my hands and promised me you'd be back, for me.
How did you come to me in every of my dreams and kissed me softly.
and because I LOVE YOU,
I never feel your lost.

You're always there,
to the left of my body,
where my heart lies.

As it constantly bouncing, I never stopped loving you for even a second.

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