Once, I came across this sentence, "If you see something that moves you, and then snap it, you keep a moment".

Pretty much inspired me into what I'm doing here though. To snap some moments that I'd spare time remembering in future. Imagine a world without photography! One can only imagine. and every single moments we used to had, fade away. No more evidence to show, no more things to keep on remembering. A photograph is a memory in raw, they say.

So here I am, a newbie camera user, who never hesitate to be inspired by every paused moments of life.

Love Life =)

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Believing my beliefs.


I was told to pray since I was very young.
I always prayed for my studies, my future.

As I lit up the candle, I say to God, please give me a good life.
As I put in the joss stick, I wish hardly that my prayers would be answered.

Because there's no more hope in me, so I put all those hopes onto prayers.
Its not about being heard or whatsoever,not at all! Its about believing.
Believe in what you believe in.
Its hard to keep on believing something that nobody else understand.
Hold on to it. Sun will shine on you one day.
Life will turn to you and smile.
Stars will blink at you.
Love, will come to you.

Now, light a candle up, and make your prayer.
It could be a stupid act, but in this miserable life we live in, we need to have something to lean our hope on.
No matter how ridiculous it sounds, keep holding on is one type of strength.

I believe in happy. Because I'm happier doing so.

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